Kind words from our wonderful clients:

It is a pleasure to recommend Italian Citizenship for Dummies.  They provided me with fast, professional, individualized service much cheaper than other companies.  Paula and Emily are extremely helpful and will go out of their way to keep you updated with your order as well as make sure everything is prepared accordingly.  If you need professional document procurement and Apostille services, Italian Citizenship for Dummies is an excellent choice.

 Evan G. (Florida)

My heartfelt thanks to you, Paula and Valentina! Make sure you tell Valentina please!! I can’t even express how important this was to me. It was a completion, almost a feeling of responsibility to my family to do this. To my grandparents who struggled so much when they came here and especially my grandfather who died young and who would be SO very proud right now. I know I took him in there with me today and completed the circle. I’m taking them both back to “The Old Country” by doing this. I’m fulfilling why they came to America… to go back again having survived and succeeded with healthy lives. My feeling of love for them right now has no words.

When I found Italian Citizenship for Dummies I was about to give up. I’d had such a hard time with another company I figured it was going to be impossible. I just couldn’t get past their cold impersonal cyber-wall. There was no “there” there to communicate with. And if ever a process begs for communication it’s this. So when I turned up that PERFECT name and saw all your pictures I felt hope. You looked so approachable.

It’s been a pleasure working with all of you! Really! I feel I’ve gotten to know Paula as a friend and hope we’ll stay in touch for a very long time. And yes… I’ll be letting you know when I get that letter!!!

- Chris P. (New York)

As an Italian-American who creates travel itineraries for clients traveling to Europe, it became important to me - on both a professional and personal level - to obtain Italian citizenship. Early on in the process, I choose to work with Italian Citizenship for Dummies to help me through the process. It was the best decision I could have made! With so much to take into consideration to ensure you are ready to present your application at the Consulate, it made a world of difference to have their professional guidance. Paula and Emily go above and beyond in everything they do. It's as if by becoming a client you are now a part of their extended Italian family - and your goal of obtaining citizenship is as important to them as it is to you. Between the personalized care and their attention to detail and research, I can't recommend them enough!

- Cassie Tetro, Montage Travel, (Georgia)

Read about Cassie’s journey by clicking here.

Becoming an Italian citizenship completes the circle for my family.  My grandfather left Southern Italy to come to the United States to pursue a better life.

With the help of Emily and Paula, I will now return to his very small village as a citizen of Italy exactly 100 years later.  Without any doubt, none of this would have been possible without their expertise, their connections, their complete knowledge of the process, and Paula’s unique ability and positivity to overcome any obstacle and find creative solutions.  They both have a clear vested interest in helping you achieve your goal of becoming an Italian citizen.  I highly recommend them to help you in your Italian Citizenship journey.

 - Jim C. (New Jersey)

Thanks again for everything. We will happily refer you to anyone needing help with getting their Italian citizenship. In fact our niece has already expressed an interest! :-)

- Nancy S. & Susan S. (California)

Hi There,

I just wanted to let you know I had my meeting at the Italian Consulate today (San Francisco).

My documentation was perfect! The consulate representative asked who did my translations because they were so clear and consistent! They didn't even want my photocopies because the originals were satisfactory.

Thank you for providing a professional, affordable service.

Now I just have to learn Italian...

- Mark M. (California)